Saturday, June 11, 2011

Sewing for Summer!

I don't know what happened to Spring, but I only got like one outfit done.  It's ok, I'm moving on to Summer and have been on a roll.  I took a couple of days just for me (go Mom's!) with no running errands or having to be great!....and sewed up a couple of things for my girls and a quick purse for me.

No patterns, just some simple stuff but I had fun and I love my new little summer bag.

I love these kinds of tops but I need more practice.

A little Tinkerbell dress

Love this pillow case top with the shorts!

I still have a couple of pillowcase outfits to knock out and I'm working on a little tag baby blanket today.  I will post more soon.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

House for Sale or Rent

We have a house in DeRidder, LA just out of Fort Polk.  Our renters are moving out July 28th, so it will be available August 1st.  We were just going to rent again but are very open to selling.

Here is the ad on Military by Owner.

But here are the some of these are from when I still lived there.  My renter has since painted the LR, dining area, and master bath and I am waiting on updated pics of those areas but everything else is the same.


spa tub side

2nd bath

2nd bath

kitchen leading into large laundry room and garage

swing set still there


It's Summer....already!  What happened?  Oh I was there, the running around to 2 schools for end of the year ceremonies, picnics, fun days, parties, etc...on top of our normal stuff, and throw in the end of the year Hip Hop dance recitals and you have a few week blur.

I have missed the blogging world but part of my goal to be more disciplined this year meant I had to take a quick crafting/blogging break.  I am glad to be back.  God has shown me some things and really all things are better for me when I am spending more time in His word.  Now that things are slowing down I am ready to enjoy every day of this summer break with my family.  We have a few things planned already, like our indoor campout coming up soon and I can't wait to get started.

What are some things you have planned?